Événements FLH

Founded in 1996 and recognized by all manufacturers, FLH events specializes in training and private sales programs in the automotive industry and boasts the largest team in Quebec.

Our team of skilled trainers is comprised of 19 industry veterans with strong sales management backgrounds. Our training programs are designed for dealers and look at sales, telemarketing, lease renewal, customer retention, commercial management and private sales.

In the early 2000s, when we realized that the only retention measures dealers were using were lease renewals, FLH laid the foundation for its private sales strategy. The primary objective of the sales was customer retention in financing, leasing and service departments.

Since then, this business model has evolved to adapt to the needs of dealers and their customers. Over 5,400 events have been held since 2001.

Our main marketing partner is SDA3, a Quebec agency that has been offering communication services to numerous clients for nearly 25 years. Its young, creative and highly competent team provides sound strategic advice and top-quality tools.

Who we are

Our ultimate mission

To create the best private sales solutions on the market and provide flawless service to our customers to increase the profitability of their dealership.

Our specific goal

To help dealers reach new heights.

Our distinctive strength

Never giving up, always finding new solutions and taking nothing for granted.